データサイエンス, データエンジニアリング | 宇宙 | ウェブ&モバイルアプリ(フロントエンド/バックエンド)
勤務地 | 東京都中央区 |
求人企業 | 超小型衛星のコンステレーションによる地球観測事業、超小型衛星等を活用したソリューションの提案、超小型衛星及び関連コンポーネントの設計及び製造、超小型衛星の打ち上げアレンジメント及び運用支援・受託 設立:2008年 資本金:4,537百万円 |
職務内容 | Their clients need access to the most recent high-quality satellite imagery in order to accomplish their goals, whether that's identifying illegal logging operations, monitoring of natural disasters, determining the ideal time to harvest or fertilize a crop, or monitoring large-scale infrastructure development. Images are the core of the company's earth observation platform, and as a software engineer you will work to enable their client's success by making sure the hiring company can provide this data reliably and with minimal latency. They are looking for a person with strong technical skills in Software Development and Cloud Computing. As a member of the Data Team, your mission is to develop, monitor and optimize the distributed systems that form the data pipeline, which processes the raw images received from the satellites into the final products that they deliver to clients in the earth observation platform. |
応募条件 | Mandatory: - University degree in Computer Science or a related field. - Experience in developing, designing, maintaining and monitoring distributed systems in a production environment. - Comfortable having in-depth technical conversations about current and past projects. - Proficiency in Python. - Experience designing and deploying cloud-based infrastructure on AWS or GCP. - Knowledge of containerization technologies. - Experience designing and maintaining databases with PostgreSQL or similar open-source RDBM systems. - Ability to write, debug, optimize code, and automate routine tasks. - Willingness to learn new skills. - Strong communication skills in either English OR Japanese, with a willingness to learn the other. Favorable: - Written and verbal communication skills in English and an ability to work in a team environment. - Experience using IaC tools: Terraform, etc. - Knowledge of geospatial data processing libraries, e.g., GDAL, rasterio. - Experience with CI/CD pipelines. |
英語力 | Strong communication skills in either English OR Japanese, with a willingness to learn the other |
日本語力 | Strong communication skills in either English OR Japanese, with a willingness to learn the other |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |