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【Heavy Machinery Automation】Project Manager

Mobile Robot, Drone, Autonomous Nav | Manipulation | Lead, Management Role

Location Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Company A startup tackling difficult automation of machines leveraging AI.
Co-founded by members with AI / CS background.

Having successfully delivered projects such as automation of excavator, food dispensing etc., currently focuses on construction machine automation.

Year of foundation: 2016
Capital: 1.6 billion yen
Workforces: about 30
Job Description As a project manager, you will be managing the heavy machinery autonomous driving system development project. For each system development project, you will communicate with engineers and customers and work together to promote development.

This is a rewarding position where you will be directly in touch with customers and involved in the development of an autonomous driving system for construction machines at the position closest to the site, and you will have a strong sense of getting closer to the realization of construction's future.

Role / Responsibility:
- Organizing the project goals and background
- Establishing the project scope (budget and specifications)
- Project planning and progress management (similar to the role of the product owner in Scrum development)
- Internal communication work (reporting, facilitating discussions among engineers, etc.)
- Negotiation with customers (contract type, project costs, specifications, etc.)
- Communication with customers regarding projects (requirements design, reporting, PR, etc.)
- Coordinating test implementation plans with customers
- Technical sales to new customers
- Other tasks as needed
Requirement [ Minimum ]
- Experience as a manager or leader in project management, etc.
- 3+ years of experience in development projects, implementation projects, support, etc. involving communication with customers
- Understanding of general software development management

[ Preferred ]
- Experience in designing, developing, verifying, and evaluating robotics systems
- Experience in software development using Linux
- Experience in development using ROS/ROS2
- Experience in hardware development such as mechanical design and electrical design
- Experience in the construction industry

[ Soft skills]
- A bright and positive person
- Someone who is open-minded and proactive in learning
- Someone who recognizes the importance of collecting and sharing knowledge and know-how
- Someone who values ​​output as a team
- A hands-on attitude that involves working on your own and going onsite while leading project members
English Level Nice to have
Japanese Level Native level
Employment Type Permanent

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